Sunday, June 10, 2012

National Hobby of Men : Taking a Leak Anywhere!!

If it’s a general notion that the favorite hobby of women is gossiping and talking, then I’d say that most of us will agree with what the favorite hobby of men is, though its not as publicized as the one of women; yet; over the years; I have come to believe that the National Hobby of the Men has to be, nothing less than; peeing on the roads, anywhere and everywhere. I can bet that atleast in India, there hasn’t been one of us who hasn’t seen this dismal sight; and if ‘us’ happens to be female as me, I am sure that this sight has rendered us lowering our heads, turning away, and perhaps a curling of the nose. But, do you think men seem to care?? No way!! Possibly, they love to show off their assets in public, (in which no one is interested by the way), and also like to display their weakness in character; leaving characterless imprints everywhere and anywhere.

If you think this national hobby is only grounded to villages and/or rural areas, then you are mistaken, for you will find many a educated bike and car riders who seem to park their vehicles on the roads with all lights on, and them excuse themselves to take a leak, an bemuse the public by looking back at the car, where their hands are busy. Beat that, they start driving with the same hands!!

Scientifically, maybe men have smaller bladders, or I presume it has got something to do with their “control power”, which anyways seems to be lacking in men. Not only this, ever wondered what nuisance this “peeing anywhere and everywhere I feel like” creates for others. If you are a woman, walking on the road peacefully, and you spot a man indulging in his favorite hobby; where it is written in bold huge letters that “Yahan Peshab Na Kare”, somehow, its you who gets offended, probably you will stop and cross the road to the other side, else you will walk in the middle of the road risking your life, or simply bow your head down covering your face as if you have been doing a shameless act. Why, I ask why should women be offended? They say that its women who provoke men for raping by wearing short clothes, and do they ever spare a though for this blatant men who love to showcase their sexual organs on streets as per their will? Should women not be instigated to rape them? Better still, shouldn’t they be allowed to stone these shameless men who have the right to bare themselves anywhere, while women are advised to cover properly? Are sexual instincts of men and women different? Can police do nothing about them? Or is police force is too man dominated to let go of what every man takes as his birthright?

These questions frequent my mind, and may I add I live in a posh area of the metro city of Bangalore. I have seen men raising their turtle necks over their cars and bikes, when they are busy emptying their bladders, making obscene comments on female passerby’s, and somehow smiling profoundly at their ability to pee anywhere. Wonder what kind of short clothes they accuse of creating sexual enticement when they display theirs uselessly on streets. Why can’t they be educated about this, and why do they not fee any shame? Is this gender a mistake of God??

Is any one hearing?? (Possibly a lot are peeing!!)