Monday, May 14, 2012

Ahoy Bengaluru!!

The city of Bangalore. It is close to an year since I landed here, my first tete a tete in the South of this proximity, and this long. I came here to find some answers for myself, but the depth was I came here to find myself. As it is, I am a victim of my own ambitions, and my life seems to have taken my victimization theory too seriously. But this post, and the ones that will (hopefully) follow, will be based on my rendezvous with the new city, people, culture and the varied new experiences, teachings, and jokes that have made this one year pass by, not that it was all lined with roses, but yes, a few petals did come my way. It was on the insistence of one person, and some of my own persuasion that the next city to give me a handful of tears and joys was chosen to be Bangalore. I did not know many people, neither do I now, but a few have touched my life in such a way that the imprints of them being in my life is going to stay forever

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