Monday, May 14, 2012

Time = Distance/Speed

I have an observation, possibly not only mine, and probably debated by many previously. Some incidents in my own life, and some in others on which I shared a close watch, I have concluded (copyrights reserved) that each person in every relationship has a to cover a specific distance, in a stipulated time and approximate steps, to render the relationship strength and faith. Somehow, I have seen people jumping into relationships of all sorts, from being friends, to the more obvious lovers, and they tend to cover all aspects of the relationship in question in really really short times. Though an onlooker finds it stunning and in case he happens to ask perplexedly a question about the increasing proximity, he is often dubbed as ‘taboo’ or over suspicious. For, in my group of friends, I have seen relationships build up from a cup of coffee shared at work, to being a oft-regular-visitor in the homes. Well, may I add here that all relationships need not necessarily have a physical aspect to it, however, most of them do. I guess it is the excitement of being with someone initially, for as we all are, in these huge cities, single, with our families based away, and friends (refer to close and real friends) scattered in tits and bits elsewhere; and a little hint of a close person in someone else makes us open our doors more than necessary to that person. And soon enough, we realize that it is difficult to carry on. Not in terms of people involved, but the aspect that starts bothering is the behavior, the ‘ohhs’, and ‘aahs’, the ‘umms’ and ‘mmms’ that we find so intriguing earlier start taking their toll on us, and we grow to wonder what was there to like in these in the first place. I heard a friend point out one, that even after a love marriage, it is actually the love that flies out of the window first, followed by the sex, thus rendering the marriage nothing more than an agreement on general behavior, duties and some degree of social obligations. I have come to believe in this fact, no matter how much the degree of involvement, after a certain time, we cease to see the “G-Spots” in every relation and all we wish to figure out is “How did I get myself into this mess?” I have made quite a few friends in this city, most of them single, and in open relationships. Some of them are young, just 2 years out of college etc. I have found out startling differences in the views, and the commitment levels in each of my friends, not that I have been a perfect example; however, people are more open to “passing affairs”, and more recently, “best friends but not dating” kind of relationships". They share everything, daily tit bits, food, drinks, even beds, yet snap at the question of being together as in “ a boyfriend girlfriend thingy”. I find this amusing. For I often question myself, if best friends start sharing beds, what would be left to lovers? Yes, I am a small town girl, maybe with some orthodox views et all, one may say; mind you, I actually have no qualms over agreeing on the same. I reserve my shelves for my friends, and other ones for people I may love/lust or have a small crush on. I do not intermix or confuse my fantasies with realities that stare hard at my face, I hope to be steering in the right path. I have not suffered tears because someone mis-understood my concern for love, or vice-versa, and I am happy about it. A friend who’d been through a little "whos-who" riddle all by herself, was crying her heart out over what she thought “people thought about her, and what people really thought about her – (as divulged by someone)”, and no offense intended, I couldn’t restrain myself from stating that she’d been fool enough to be so close to someone as a friend , where many would not shed those inhibitions even during a heterosexual relationship. Yes, I was termed as dumb, friends are friends, you don’t need to think how – where - when and what – when with friends. I couldn’t agree less – specially in friendships concerning boys and girls, past teenage or so. I wonder sometimes, is it the world that is ushering past me at a rocketing age, or have I missed a lot while growing up??


  1. good one... :)it is actually the love that flies out of the window first... that's utterly true :)
    i see it people being in relation but not being in the reality, its may be because of being so self involvement... no matter how deep/better we are tuned with each other, others can't conceive the same perception, they see relatively... so your public act always matters... and like what you said there should be a visible line though thin... :)

  2. couldn't have agreed is something that just cant stay in for a long long time when it hasnt been builded well..

    Glad you like it!!
