Saturday, May 26, 2012

Just Friends - Ruining Friendships

Relationships are the truth of every individual, the basis of existence of human race. Relationships form us, shape us, and are in every way responsible of what and who we become, our behavioral aspects, psychological development and perhaps even our being. We have all had our fair share of heart breaks, heart boils, and even boundless joys. Personally, I am no exception; for I have been in and out of them, sometimes for my own release and at others because it just did not feel right. Every relationship has left an imprint of its own in my life, some are scars, yet others are ecstatic indentions. If we were to exclude the relationships that bind us by blood, I would say the most important outside relationship, and perhaps the first ones of our lives is friendship. Like in every other relationship, friendship too needs a connection to be built up, and the energies suggest you to trust, love and bind together.

Friendship is a beautiful feeling of togetherness, coupled with expectations and compounded interests. I have come to believe, that basically in life, we are lucky to have even 2 to 3 such people with whom we needn’t to pretend; for pretension is one of the deadliest threat to any relationship; the others probably being compromise, complaints, and perhaps possessiveness. Also, maybe its only our friends that we completely open to, acknowledging defeat and guilt, accept denial and wrong doings, admit of being the spoil sport in some one else’s life, share our deepest grief’s and sorrows,

Friendship is often a misguided and misused term that can be feigned to a lot of socially deniable, illegitimate and complex relationships. “Just Friends”; in my opinion is the most misused term when it comes to accept relationships. All of us, at varied points have time, have probably used or heard the “just friends” excuse, and we all know what it implies; real friends never use the just friends term. Off late, the proximity of physical closeness in the relationship men-women friendship has taken to new heights, however, questions are generally answered with a ‘just friends’ two word ending theory. Believe it or not, there are a lot of dirty tactics behind the veil of just friends.

Love, I believe seconds friendship, and there are boundaries in love. It is said that friendship lends the most solid foundation to any relation, though there are exceptions of the relations we have by birth. If I had to say, I wouldn’t even think twice before concluding that friendship is far above, far more than all other and any other relationship we do not bound into by birth.

So what defines friendship? Honesty, trust, love, care, respect, space – most of the pillars are prerequisites of all relationship. But what distinguishes friendship are the chords that are released when we do not pretend- we are free and we are we. The expectations levels are more or less meant, it can be put in the backseat as per priority, yet it remains the vital element of our existence.

Friends are generally the first people we turn to in times of despair. Perhaps, the rank isn’t so high when we are happy. This is indeed a strange relationship, by far the most important – yet misused terminally.


  1. friendship is God's gift n above all otherrelationships :)
    a fantastic article

  2. True, it is indeed above all in essence...
    But i guess it is being adulterated too..
    Thanks for dropping by :)

  3. Aristotle wrote,"The excellent person is related to his friend in the same way as he is related to himself, since a friend is another self; and therefore, just as his own being is choiceworthy him, the friend's being is choice-worthy for him in the same or a similar way."
    you see it!...It has a great meaning.
